Administrative & Public Law, Appellate law (Civil and Criminal), Arbitration, China Related Disputes, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Competition Law, Convention Against Torture & Non-Refoulement Claims, Criminal Law, Data Technology Law, Human Rights, Public and Private International Law, Probate & Administration, Regulatory & Disciplinary
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒
Back to Barrister searchYear of call: 1993 (Hong Kong), 1986 (Solicitor: England and Wales), 1988 (High Court of Australia), 1986 (Solicitor: Hong Kong)
A former prosecution and chief government counsel, a law reformer, an independent law enforcer and regulator, Stephen Kai-yi Wong offers advice and advocacy in courts and tribunals at all levels on both criminal and civil legal issues relating to, in particular, white-collar crimes, human rights and freedoms, professional conduct, financial and data regulations and commercial disputes.

Formerly a Crown Counsel (Prosecutions); Senior Crown Counsel (Criminal Appeals); Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions; Deputy Principal Crown Counsel (Mainland & Basic Law); Deputy Solicitor-General (Human Rights & Legal Policy, including legal issues and reciprocal arrangements between Mainland and Hong Kong, and reform of the Arbitration Ordinance); Secretary-General of Law Reform Commission; Privacy Commissioner; as well as an Associate Expert at UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva/New York City.
Currently specializing in advising and acting for clients as an advocate on legal issues relating to:
a) Serious and white-collar crimes (including corruption and offences against public order), online or offline;
b) Human rights and freedoms;
c) AML, data, professional conduct, trust, antitrust, insurance, shipping, intellectual property and ICT, IPO listings; and
d) Commercial arbitration cum civil dispute resolutions.
Practice Areas:
Legal Qualifications:
1986, Law Society's Final, Bristol Polytechnic;
1988, Master of Laws (Intellectual Property, UK Civil Litigation, Shipping and Marine Insurance), London School of Economics and Political Science
Fellow of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators;
Qualified Dispute Resolver (Academy of Experts, London);
Appointed Arbitrator, Nanjing & Zhuhai Arbitration Commissions;
Honorary Secretary, International Law Association, HK Branch
Scholarships, prizes & honourable mentions:
Hong Kong Government Legal Scholar;
On secondment to the United Nations under the UK Mission;
Advocacy Examiner, Faculty of Law, HK University;
Adjunct Professor, School of Law, City University, HK;
Adjunct Professor, Beijing Normal University.
Judicial/Statutory Body or Other Appointments:
Feb 2012 - Sept 2014, Secretary-General, Hong Kong Law Reform Commission;
4 Aug 2015 - 3 Aug 2020, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong;
1 September 2020 – Present Chairman, Data Governance Certification Independent Vetting Committee, Institute of Big Data Governance, Hong Kong;
1 September 2020 – Present Honorary Advisor, Tencent Finance Academy (HK) Advisory Board.
Languages spoken:
Putonghua, Cantonese, English
Cases involved in:
- Various appeals against the decisions of the Privacy Commissioner, Administrative Appeals Board, August 2015 – July 2020 (15-18 cases per year)
- Yau Yuk Lung Zigo & Lee Kam Chuen [2007], FACC No 12 of 2006 (CFA), application for leave to appeal – constitutionality of s.118F(1) Crimes Ordinance Cap 200 – homosexual buggery committed otherwise than in private – proper order to be made for unconstitutional charge
- R v Yip Chiu-cheung [1994] 2 HKCLR 35; [1994] 3 WLR 512 (Judicial Committee of the Privy Council), Agent Provocateur – whether capable of being co-conspirator – admissibility of evidence
- Yau Yuk Lung Zigo & Another [2006] 4 HKLRD 196 (CA), equality before the law – Basic Law Art. 25 – s. 8 Art 22 HK Bill of Rights Ordinance Cap 383
- Leung William Roy [2006] 4 HKLRD 211 (CA), unequal treatment – delay – o.53 r.4
- Leung William Roy [2005] 3 HKLRD 657, judicial review – equality before the law – jurisdiction to grant declaratory relief – discretion to condone delay
- Ho Che-chung [1994] 2 HKCLR 250; 2HKC 148 (CA), prosecutor’s duty to indicate use made of lies – Lucas direction – failure to direct
- William Hung [1994] 1 HKCLR 47 (CA), undue delay – stay of proceedings – three stages to be considered
- Death inquest of a power plant explosion [1993] Death Inquests 24 & 35 of 1993 NT (Coroners Court)
- Chan Fung-chu [1993] (HC) HC 430 of 1993, infanticide
- Luk Wai-kit [1993] 1 HKC 77; HKLY 350 (CA), multiplicity of offences – sentencing
- Wong Kwai-fun [1993] 2 HKCLR 171 (CA), joinder of offences – Broadhurst direction – compatibility of convictions – ss. 89 & 90 Criminal Procedure Ordinance Cap 221
- Lam Tat-ming [1993] HKLY 369 (CA), cannabis guidelines – relevance to trafficking – reasons for sentence
- Chow Ching-fok HC 266 of 1992 (HC), trafficking in dangerous drugs
- Rashid Mehood HC 340 & 349 of 1992 (HC), rape
- Chan Chu-man HC 381 of 1991 (HC), blackmail
- Hui Lan-tai [1991] 1HKLR 185 (HC), forfeiture – whether notice requirement is mandatory or directory
- Ng Chow-shing [1990] HKLY 349 (HC), withdrawal of guilty plea – alleged inducement – magistrate’s duty
- Vanezza r Ramirez [1990] HKLY 476 (HC), incarcerating foreign national in transit under 21 – reports before sentencing – s. 107A Cap 221
- Wong Wai-wing [1989] 2 HKC 313 (HC), prosecution witnesses discussing evidence before trial – material irregularity
- Ip Pui-leung [1989] HKLY 299 (HC), AG’s appeal by way of case stated – offensive weapon – instrument fit for unlawful purpose
- Lai Kwok-cheung [1989] 1HKC 534 (HC), handling stolen goods – defendant’s knowledge or belief – comment on defendant’s failure to give evidence – s. 54 Cap 221
- Ho Yim-sun [1989] HKLY 398 (CA), obtaining property by deception – sentence
- CACC133/1988 (CA), leading counsel’s conduct as ground of appeal – negligence in the high degree required
- Chan Cho-fong [1988] HC 164 of 1988 (HC), robbery & possession of imitation firearm – automatism
- The public housing corruption case [1988] (District Court), accepting an advantage in relation to construction of public housing estates
- The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club race-fixing case [1987] (HC), conspiracy to defraud by fixing results of races
“Personal Data (Privacy) Law in Hong Kong” CityU HK Press (English edition)
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Editor)
“Reciprocal Enforcement of Court Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters between Hong Kong SAR and the Mainland”- “One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders – Perspectives of Evolution”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
“The impact, opportunities and challenges for the Hong Kong legal profession upon China’s accession to the WTO” – “China and the WTO, Going West”, Sweet & Maxwell, Asia
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
“Watch out! This is my personal data privacy” “注意 ! 這是我的個人資料私隱”CityU HK Press (Chinese edition)
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Editor)
“Charities” The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong 12.2013
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
An update on EU General Data Protection: Regulation 2016, May 2020 revised edition, PCPD, HK
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
Excepted Offences under Schedule 3 of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance Cap 221, Hong Kong Lawyer, 04.2014 at p 34
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
From Principles to Practice – SME Personal Data Protection Tool Kit, June 2020, PCPD, HK
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
Hong Kong’s Legal Profession and China’s Accession to the WTO, Hong Kong Lawyer, 03.2000 at p 64
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
Investing in Data – The related Privacy Risks <2019 Colloquium on International Law> Asian Academy of International Law at p 350
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
Mapping ethico-legal principles for the use of artificial intelligence in gastroenterology, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 36 (2021) 1143–1148 (
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Joint Contributor)
Personal Data (Privacy) Law in Hong Kong A Practical Guide on Compliance (2nd Edition) (City University of Hong Kong Press)
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Co-editor)
Privacy Law and Technology monthly series, Hong Kong Lawyer @
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Contributor)
Reforming Law for the Greatest Happiness of People, Hong Kong Lawyer, 07.2012 at p 66
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
Status Quo and Suggestions: Mutual Juridical Cooperation and Assistance in Civil and Commercial Matters between the Mainland and HKSAR, China Law, 02.2003 at p 74
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
Tech Innovations On The Privacy Edge – An Overview From A Legal, Sociological And Cultural Perspective In China, 68th American Bar Association Antitrust Law 2020 Spring Meeting, April 2020;
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
The Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement, Hong Kong Lawyer, 09.2003 at p 77
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Author)
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Interviewee)
民事訴訟中的專家證人為證據 : 普通法的觀點 < Trial Study > <審判研究>,法律出版社, Law Press 2004 (第六集) 49頁
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Contributor)
發展前海深港現代服務合作區的若干法律與相關服務問題, 中國法學會 <對外法學交流動態> (2013)第三期55頁
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Contributor)
香港特區法院執行外地和內地法院民商事判決的簡介, <我國區際法律問題探討> 中國政法大學出版社 (2012) 259頁
Stephen Kai-yi Wong 黃繼兒 (Contributor)
“An Update on EU General Data Protection Regulation in 2016”, PCPD, 2020;
“Tech Innovations on the Privacy Edge – An Overview from a Legal, Sociological and Cultural Perspective in China”, 68th American Bar Association Antitrust Law 2020 Spring Meeting, April 2020;
Privacy Law and Technology monthly series contributor since Feb 2019, Hong Kong Lawyer @;
Hundreds of papers, seminars, talks etc, visit for the more recent ones.