Administrative & Public Law, Arbitration, Commercial Law, Company & Insolvency, Competition Law, Family Law, Intellectual Property, Public and Private International Law, Land & Property Law, Mediation, Probate & Administration, Regulatory & Disciplinary, Tort & Personal Injuries, Construction & Engineering Disputes
Dr. Christopher To
Back to Barrister searchYear of call: 2017 (Hong Kong)
Christopher holds qualifications in computing, engineering and law. He is an accredited mediator, chartered arbitrator, chartered engineer, chartered information technology professional, professor (adjunct) and a barrister-at-law.

Christopher is a recognised authority on alternative dispute resolution techniques and has represented clients in arbitrations (in Hong Kong and overseas), adjudications (in Hong Kong and overseas), mediations (in Hong Kong and overseas), commission on inquiry and court litigation. He frequently acts as a neutral in Hong Kong and overseas and is a sought-after speaker/moderator at international forums.
Practice Areas:
Legal Qualifications:
2016, PhD in Law, Stirling University, United Kingdom.
2012, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Executive Training, National University of Singapore.
2011, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs Executive Training, Yale University, USA.
2010, Global Leadership and Public Policy Executive Training, Harvard Kennedy School, USA.
2008, PCLL, City University of Hong Kong.
2006, LLB (Hons) in Law, City University of Hong Kong.
2002, LLM in Commercial Law, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, United Kingdom.
1996, MA in Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, City University of Hong Kong.
Academic Qualifications:
2015, Honorary DEng in Engineering, Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom.
1992, BEng (Hons) in Engineering, Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom.
Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators.
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors.
Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.
Fellow of the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Member of the Society of Construction Law.
Member of the Hong Kong Computer Society.
Member of the British Computer Society.
Accredited Mediator (General) Hong Kong Mediator Accreditation Association Ltd.
Accredited Mediator (General) Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.
Associate Member of the Academy of Experts.
Associate Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society.
Chartered Arbitrator.
Chartered Engineer.
Chartered Information Technology Professional.
Registered Professional Engineer.
Member of Weihai Mayor’s Advisory Council of the People’s Republic of China.
Chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors.
Chairman of the Hong Kong Mediator Accreditation Association Limited sub-committee on Mediator
Co-Chair of the Steering Committee on the International Chamber of Commerce International Commercial
Mediation Competition- Hong Kong.
Council Member of the Institution of Engineering Technology (United Kingdom).
Council Member of the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre.
Past Council Member of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.
Past Chairman of the Hong Kong Mediation Council, a division of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.
Past Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch).
Scholarships, prizes & honourable mentions:
2016, Winner of the International Award for Excellence (Volume 7), of The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses on the article of “Unveiling the Embodied Carbon of Construction Materials through a Product-based Carbon Labelling Scheme” (26 January 2016).
2015, Alumni of the Year, by Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom.
2015, Honorary Doctorate Degree in Engineering, by Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom.
2007, Young Global Leader, by the World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland.
2006, Outstanding Academic Papers, by Students at City University of Hong Kong, 6 March 2006, “The Principles of Natural Justice in Arbitration”.
2001, Director of the Year, by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors.
Judicial/Statutory Body or Other Appointments:
Alternate Director of the Joint Mediation Helpline Office.
Languages spoken:
English, Cantonese
Cases involved in:
Counsel for one of the parties’ in the Commission of Inquiry into the Diaphragm Wall and Platform Slab Construction Works at the Hung Hom Station Extension under the Shatin to Central Link Project, Hong Kong.
Counsel for parties in a variety of Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission and London Court of International Arbitration cases involving commercial, construction, engineering and financial disputes.
Acted as sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator and chair in arbitrations under the rules of HKIAC, AIAC, CIETAC, MCCI, KCAB and ICC cases.
Acted as mediator and co-mediator in a variety of cases in Hong Kong and overseas.